golden mandala with sparkly golden hoops on pale sky blue background

Rise & Fly Course

Are you Ready to Rise & Fly?

Over the years, many of my clients have said to me, “I want to do what you do!” and, “where did you get trained?” or, “have you always been this intuitive?!” The thing is, you can’t be me.  You can only be and do YOU!

This 10-week intensive self-study course is here to reconnect you with your gifts, intuitive wisdom and help activate your purpose.


Transforming Yourself, Transforming the World

What if you could take all that you have learned over the years and incorporate it into your everyday life?!

Rise & Fly is not another course where you learn someone else’s process, system, or way of doing things.

Many of us reach a point where it’s time to stop taking more coursework, learning more techniques, or following someone else’s ‘steps to success.’

Rise & Fly is an experiential journey where you claim everything you have on the inside to be a success!



 Receive the Expansion & Love that is Available to You!

Wherever you are on your journey, this course will expand your awareness and gifts so that you rise & fly!

flock of birds flying through the blue and orange sky over the ocean at sunrise

What’s Included?

  • In-Depth Instruction covering topics like:

    • Intuitive knowing & trust

    • Higher realms & consciousness

    • Past lives & ancestral lineage

    • Improving relationships

    • Divine timing

    • Establishing boundaries and protection

  • Energy Activations to help you re-member who you truly are and to call forth more of your purpose.

  • Reflection Worksheets with journal prompts.

  • Access to Alison through private messaging.

  • Q&A Calls with Alison. These are recordings done with introductory course participants



woman dancing with arms stretched up to the sky in golden field with pale blue mountains in the distance

In this course, you will:

  • Integrate core principles in healing

  • Hone your unique skillsets and intuitive abilities

  • Master what you already have (vs. needing to take more classes and certifications!)

  • Access and play with your multi-dimensionality

  • Greet your “guides” and become your own guide!

  • Connect with the ancient wisdom of your ancestors

  • Open and activate your heart center

  • Experiment with tools to help shift energies and create more of what you want

  • Evolve into more of YOU!


 Receive the Expansion & Love that is Available to You!

Wherever you are on your journey, this course will expand your awareness and gifts so that you rise & fly!