Pet Communication Sessions
Are you desiring a deeper communication with your fur baby?
Our pet(s) serve as beautiful teachers so whether they are struggling with something health related, discipline issues, or have crossed over the rainbow bridge, we can learn from them. Transforming our energy and theirs allows the relationship to evolve, creating an even deeper bond than you thought possible.
My 6-year old rescue pup, Trixie, has taught me almost as much about life as my parents! These amazing creatures have a lot to say. I’ve helped connect my clients to their pets. A pet communication session may include their family of origin, your life and how it mirrors theirs, and so much more.

We’ll meet either on Zoom or in person in my office in Westport, CT (06880)
I’ll tune into the energy and let that guide our work, along with what you share before and/or in the session..
I’ll transmit messages, help identify what’s at the core, and work with you and your pet’s energy to connect each of you back to your own magic.
This might include past lives, ancestral connections, or other unseen power.
Feeling actual physical sensations is common
There’s no “right” way to experience a session. We’re co-creating a unique experience for you!
This will depend on your pet’s unique issues and where they currently are on your journey.
I’m always here for you and your pet(s) when you get stuck!
Things shift & switch between sessions, so subsequent ones meet you and your pet at the next stage.
Between sessions you and your pet(s) will become aware of what feels and is different and what, fi anything, has remained the same.
Perhaps the next things to work on will present themselves. Or maybe what you once thought was a big deal is no longer.
I offer a sliding scale structure, so pricing is dependent on the current energies in order to create fairness for all.
After you book your pet’s session, I will invoice you over email via my accounting software, FreshBooks.
If you would like to pay me differently, this can be arranged.
There’s absolutely no prep work needed! You and your pet(s) come as you are and that’s enough. Please note that your pet does not need to be at the session. In fact, no pets are allowed on the premises of my office unless agreed upon prior.
Before your pets session, you may want to write down intentions for the session on a piece of paper. If there’s any pertinent information that you feel would be helpful for me to know prior to the session, you may email that to me at -
All pet communication sessions are 60 minutes in length, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Yes! 95% of my clients are virtual (sessions are done via Zoom video conferencing).
If you are local, you may opt to have your session(s) at my office in Westport, CT.. Please note that no pets are allowed on office premises unless agreed upon prior. You and your pets results will be the same and as powerful whether we are together in person or using Zoom.
I have served people in the following states and countries and the list continues to grow: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, Canada, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom.
There may be easy action steps to do post session that are agreed upon within the session.
I highly recommend you make space for yourself and your pet(s) to integrate everything after the session.
Here are some simple after-session-care ideas:
If you or your pet(s) are tired, rest. There’s no shame in taking a nap or going to bed early!
Drink water. The water can help hydrate the cells and allow for more movement.
Movement. When we move our bodies it helps shake off the old and integrate the new. Take your pet(s) out in nature when you and them feel called. Spending time in nature helps ground. Working with the unseen / ethereal energies can sometimes make us and our pets feel “floaty.” Stepping outside for a walk or playtime will help anchor you and them back in the here and now.
Yes! This often happens automatically in a session.
Ancestors, friends, and even pets will come through.
If you have a specific request, feel free to bring this up to me.

Animals, like humans, are filled with wisdom beyond their years…
Our pets are just like us, they are healers wishing to illuminate the world.
As layers of themselves are unraveled, they exit out of trauma and limited beliefs to become their fullest self.
During Sacred Expansion Sessions, our pets communicate with us. They tell us what they need, what we need, and what the world needs.

The Animal Kingdom Is Always Available to Communicate with Us!
Sessions include an energetic upgrade for your pet(s) and you!