Peace Within Audio
Card Pulls for this Activation:
I pulled a blank angel card to start this activation. The meaning that is interpreted from this is a blank canvas for the activation.
A few days prior to the activation, I wrote down 3 items.
3D Freedom
5D Feast of the Epiphany/Holy Night
8D Protection, Mother Mary
From a 3rd Dimensional perspective, there was a rally and friction at the U.S. capitol. (FYI: this activation was completed about an hour prior to the U.S. Capitol incident on January 5, 2021)
From a 5th Dimensional perspective, this activation took place on the final Holy Night and the Feast of the Epiphany.
From an 8th Dimensional perspective, I was told this is about protection and Mother Mary (which came through in the activation)
We can stay in the density of the 3rd dimensional reality or rise to see additional perspectives. Stay open to the support from higher dimensional realities and hold your light.
I also used this sacred wand which holds protection energy.
The crystal garden imagery that came up was brought forward from this crystal grid card.
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Aftercare Tips:
It’s important to listen to your inner guidance and practice self-care.
There’s no shame in taking a nap or going to bed early!
I recommend at least ½ of your ideal body weight daily, but drinking water after a session can be especially helpful.
Depending on your preferences, this could be animal protein and/or root vegetables if you feel called. If you’re drawn to lighter meals or a brief fast, that’s perfectly fine too.
Epsom salt baths provide you with deep body relaxation and nourishment.
When we move our bodies daily and especially after an energy session, it will help shake off the old and integrate the new.
If you are finding yourself drawn to organizing or cleaning, great! This may be a sign that it’s time to let go of some old energies in order to help welcome in the new energies.
Spending time in nature helps ground you after a session. Working with the unseen / ethereal energies can sometimes make us feel “floaty.” Stepping outside will help anchor you back in the here and now.
If you’re feeling called to listen to the activation again, go ahead and replay it.