Children of God
A Collective Energy Activation
As we go through these transient times here on Earth, help elevate your field by accessing the beauty and wisdom of your inner child. A few tips:
This track has binaural beats so ear buds are recommended.
Once you’ve listened to this activation, consider listening and contemplating the three songs that are linked below on this page.
As you continue on your journey, listen again to the activation as you will integrate with further context.
To access this activation, scroll down and press the play button or download the audio to your device.
P.S. If you are new to energy activations, check out the aftercare tips at the bottom of this page.
Children of God Audio:
Three Songs Included Within this Activation:
You may love, like, be neutral, dislike, or hate these songs. This is all information to process as you wish once you’ve listened to the activation. Below I have included the songs as well as some lyrics to contemplate.
Song #1 - Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant
Who remembers this song from the 80’s?
Highlighted Lyrics:
“Who is to blame in one country?
Never can get to the one
Dealin' in multiplication
And they still can't feed everyonewe gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher
(Oh, no) we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher”
Song #2 - What My Name (from Descendants 2)
Highlighted Lyrics:
“I'm the queen of this town
I call the shots, you know who I am
I don't need to wear no fake crown
Stand up to me, you don't stand a chance
It's our time, we up next (next, next)
My crew's as real as it gets (gets, gets)
The worst are now the best
And leaving us here will be their last regret.”
Song #3 - What About the Children by Gary Clark Jr. & Stevie Wonder
Highlighted lyrics:
“What about them babies?
What about the children?
What about the little, don't somebody care?Why are you so heartless?
Why do you not care? (Why don't you've children?)
Don't you love the babies?What about the babies?
What about the homeless?
What about the stabbing?Why are you so heartless?
Why do you not care?
If you want the children
You have got to care”Apparently this song is about the pursuit of salvation. Interestingly, a few months prior to this activation I was given the message that ‘savior complex’ is the underlying theme of this new energy cycle. If you feel called, it may be worth exploring these two concepts as they are closely connected.
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Aftercare Tips:
Listen to your inner guidance and practice self-care.
There’s no shame in taking a nap or going to bed early!
Drinking water after a session can be especially helpful in integrating the energies and staying hydrated.
Your body will let you know if you need more or less food depending on the energies.Follow any guidance you receive regarding types of foods too.
Epsom salt baths provide you with deep body relaxation and nourishment.
When we move our bodies daily and especially after an energy session, it will help shake off the old and integrate the new.
If you are finding yourself drawn to organizing or cleaning, great! This may be a sign that it’s time to let go of some old energies in order to help welcome in the new energies.
Working with the unseen / ethereal energies can sometimes make us feel “floaty.” Stepping outside will help anchor you back in the here and now.
Every time you listen, you can pick up something new. If you’re feeling called to listen to the activation again, go ahead and replay it.