Cleansing the Now
A Collective Energy Activation
Cleanse your soul on a regular basis. It will give you strength, purpose and a will to live more fully during these wild times.
To access this activation, scroll down and press the play button or download the audio to your device.
P.S. Check out the aftercare tips at the bottom of this page.
Cleansing the Now Activation Audio:
The music track “Life & Death” by Chris Collins is used for this activation, https://indiemusicbox.com
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Aftercare Tips:
Listen to your inner guidance and practice self-care as you are called.
These activations can be played again and again. Listen as you feel called.
There’s no shame in taking a nap or going to bed early!
When we move our bodies daily and especially after an energy session, it will help shake off the old and integrate the new.
Spending time in nature helps ground you after a session. Working with the unseen / ethereal energies can sometimes make us feel “floaty.” Stepping outside will help anchor you back in the here and now.
If you are finding yourself drawn to organizing or cleaning, great! This may be a sign that it’s time to let go of some old energies in order to help welcome in the new energies.
Replenish, replenish, replenish.
Perhaps you will want to choose grounding foods or you may be drawn to lighter meals or a brief fast, that’s perfectly fine too.
Epsom salt baths provide you with deep body relaxation and restoration.